Stage Lights
Maintaining constantly a good arsenal of high quality light equipment is one of our company's core activity. It’s a very important element, without which any concert, show or event can’t take place. This service allows you to rent a variety of lights for your event, from those smaller and private ones to large-scale stages with a wide and diverse possibility. This chapter in our company is supported by a dedicated and creative Light Designer/Director/LJ that will always have an individual approach to every detail of your scenes - armed with his crew of professionals and global standard/rider equipment such as: Robe (Pointe, Spiider), MA Lighting, Prolight, Futurelight. Genessis, Unica, Par-Led, Cromo.
There is no secret that good sound is a very important part of a successful event. MS-Prod offers this option on a high level of usability as we do with all of our services, alongside with professional staff and engineers in the field. We have everything from backline gear for you preference to massive sound and acoustic solutions for any location. In Moldova, MS-Prod is the official representative of dB Technologies, with whom we are certainly proud. The DVA T12 acoustic system in combination with DVA S30 SUB and digital amplifiers, deliver massive power of sound in combination with glass clarity quality, optimally satisfying world standards. Obviously here we could enter lots of technical details up to an end, a long list of equipment, terms and analyzes that would explain more to those who certainly understands, but instead we decided to exclude that. Shortly, we have solutions of any kind , trust us, alongside with brands like: dB Tech, Shure, Electrovoice, Yamaha, Marshall, Fender, Mesa, Sennheiser, AKG etc. It is truly a long list, just ask us and we’ll think about it.
When managing big events, smaller concerts or even a small celebration, with no doubt you are in need to rent a stage. Here we have the most diverse solutions. From conferences to festivals, we ensure the setting up, installation, adapting to all possible specifications according to your location. Modular podium constructions, stage constructions (aluminum truss), layer constructions, barriers and fences, LEDs , all of these we have and more. How about a 3D design of the event location? That would be a great and important solution to see every perspective in detail. Well we do have this option too. Our creative director will provide a 3D preview of the location, stage, main floor, décor etc. Everything is represented in detail and is managed with personal approach to each project.
Engineers and Directing Staff
With a big and various technical potential is required to have a good team that leads with it. Our dedicated and professional engineers, sound engineers, lights technicians and directors will assure a detailed control of your event. So, it could be from a simple microphone to a full on sound and acoustic solutions, you are in good hands, our technicians are always spot on quality and service.

Художественный свет и освещение сцены
Со дня нашего основания, а это уже более пяти лет, мы организовали и провели множество атмосферных событий и корпоративных мероприятий. Это были разные мероприятия: и маленькие, и средние, и очень большие. Для нас это большая гордость, более ста довольных клиентов, сотни партнеров, тысячи бессонных ночей, десятки тысяч чашек кофе и чая, Red Bull, а также, развитие и бесценный совместный опыт. Мы создаем мероприятия, в которых используем сцены и подиумы, видео экраны, лазерные экраны, аудио-треки и световые шоу, спецэффекты, воображение и мечты. Это огромная работа, но это круто. Всегда круто воплощать мечты в реальность. Так мы создаем события с большой буквы – настоящие СОБЫТИЯ И АТМОСФЕРУ.
About Us
We are proud of our work and projects that we gave wings. Over 100 satisfied customers, hundreds of partners, thousands of sleepless nights, tens of thousands of cups of coffee, tea, Red Bulls alongside with development and priceless common experience.
We create, we are artists and our tools are: stages, video screens, audio / video compositions, light shows, special effects along with imagination and dreams. It's a stressful process but we live with it and we like it.
Technical department MS-PROD
Along with us are only the best engineers, sound directors, light directors, technicians, video engineers, graphic designers etc. This is our team – professional, energetic guys who put their heart and soul in the craft that also makes dreams come true. More than 5 years of experience and creativity.
Magic Event = Your goals + our everything
“This could be a very long list with a lot of technical terminology and detailed characteristics”
Big things always start with a well-structured plan. So, we have a lot of plans, enough for each and every one, well thought and processed.
Here, ideas, desires and dreams begin to take clear forms and become reality. Teamwork of professionals, a brainstorm, looking up for new ideas and great solutions – so, in this way, step by step, something unique comes up and so dreams are made.
When everything goes by plan, it means that someone is behind the curtain in full awareness. And we accept this challenge and we do it with pleasure, because we know and love our business.
A thorough analysis helps you and us evaluate the outcome of the event, determine whether we have achieved the goal we have set. Also, analysis helps us create future projects and more efficient and grandiose events.
How do we work?
Sound therapy from MS-PROD
Since our establishment, and this is already a few good years ago, we have organized, managed and carried out many events of all kinds with different atmosphere and thematic: small, large, medium and very large. We are proud of our work and projects that we gave wings. Over 100 satisfied customers, hundreds of partners, thousands of sleepless nights, tens of thousands of cups of coffee, tea, Red Bulls alongside with development and priceless common experience.
We create, we are artists and our tools are: stages, video screens, audio / video compositions, light shows, special effects along with imagination and dreams. It's a stressful process but we live with it and we like it.
Music cannot think, but it can create reality (R. Wagner)
+ 373 22 009 007
+ 373 69 72 77 24
+ 373 79 20 40 22
+ 373 22 83 85 39
mun. Chișinau, str. Petricani 17